Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Class 3

Well today was a warm up much like last class. Physical activity, stretching, ABC's and 123's, and captain on deck. We didn't do any vocalization today but we did try something new called stage direction. Which as you can guess, is learning stage directions. Because stages were once tilted the actors had to walk upstage to get to the back. Which is why the back is upstage and the front is downstage. The point of view is from the actors as he/she is the center of attention. Rules 1, 2 and 3: LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME.
Moving on...
We played the name game again *BANG. Now this might seem silly that I hadn't thought of this until half way through the game but uh, a little preparation never hurts. If you look to your left and right and have their names ready, you don't have to overly think on the spot. Now, to apply to next class. Next game: Throwing the ball and passing the number. These were based soley on eye communication. Probably to emphasize the 1,2,3 look at me rule but also how much you can say without saying anything at all. Finally the last game we played was alien invasion, or something of the sort. This game made you act out a certain emotion you were feeling such as sadness, happiness or anger. One person was a human and by a handshake could make another replica human but if caught.. okay blah blah this is kind of hard to explain. Moral of the story you got to be sneaky, act and make loud annoying yelling noises. Fun game!! Lets play this again!!
Wow, we played a lot of games today. Granted there was a purpose behind most/all the games it was still a blast to play them. We did however do a little bit of history in the classroom, note to self: add to theatre history. We ran out of time and couldn't preform our amazing picturization piece, so hopefully we can do that next class. I suppose that sums it up.
suzy out

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