Theatre Design

Theatrical elements
  **** Golden role: Everything on stage has a meaning! ****
Visual (anything you can see)
- Props-touched by an actor
  * Ie: Guns, weapons, picture smashed on actors head- Set-anything on the stage not touched
 *Ie: Furniture, tables- Lighting effects-projections - Pyro, haze, fog and dry ice - Actor dressing - Costume - Make-up

Theatre Architecture
-Audience surrounds stage
 -Little or no scenery
 -Props important
 -Audience sees each other
 *** add photos
Proscenium Theatre
Picture Frame
Fourth wall
 Fly house
Apron (in front of curtain).
 Legs (side curtains)
 Most set
 Most popular
The studio theatre
An open Box
Flexible staging
  L shaped
Alley theatre
Function of Light
Illumination: The simple ability to see what is occurring on stage.
 Revelation of form: Altering the perception of shapes onstage, particularly three-dimensional stage elements.
 Focus: Directing the audience's attention to an area of the stage or distracting them from another.
 Mood: Setting the tone of a scene. Harsh red light has a totally different effect than soft lavender light.
Location and time of day: Establishing or altering position in time and space. Blues can suggest night time while orange and red can suggest a sunrise or sunset.
Projection/stage elements: Lighting may be used to project scenery or to act as scenery onstage.
 Plot(script): A lighting event may trigger or advance the action onstage.
 Composition: Lighting may be used to show only the areas of the stage which the designer wants the audience to see, and to "paint a picture".

**There are four main qualities or properties of lighting
Intensity- Measured in lux, lumens, and foot candle (brightness)
Pattern- Shape, quality & Eveness of lamps
Focus- Where an instrument is pointed

Lighting instruments
Fixed instruments
* Fresnel
-Bulb mobes
-Lens is rippled
- Soft edge light
- Lenses move focus
- Sharpe edges
- Lens is clear
- Can be used for gobos (Ie: windowframe)

- Dry ice heavy/cold
- Fog- floats around, hot, leaves quick
- Haze - stays in air, fine particles