Monday, November 28, 2011

November 8th

Okkkkay. Today was our rehersal kinda deal. We met between 10 and 10 30 to go over our final project. Augh! I was a couple minutes late. BUT ready to rumble. Fortunitly didn't miss out on anything. We talked a little about what we had in mind but we were all pretty open minded about what to do with the poem. I thought it would be neat to start the color scheme with a fun color like green or blue and mixing it into red after we slit the cows throat. However, because regardless of what happens during the play we all stay positive and unfased by killing the cow, I think changing the back color might be silly. We didn't talk much about the music. I had youtubed some music ideas but I was thinking more to go in the background as we did the whole poem. I didn't realize it was just for the introduction and fortunitly the one Jeremey provided complimented it well.
So this class we got over our first half of the poem. High energy! lots of movement! The levels constantly changing! This is looking pretty good to me. I think me, Lauren, Casey and Kasey are all pretty out going so the group should mesh well. We went through our lines and Jeremey told us what he had in mind. We tried different actions and people saying different lines and worked out kinks for the beginning bit. After the class finished our group went to the classroom and jotted down actions to remember and who was doing what. We talked about some ideas that we had and things that we could do to make it better. We decided to wait until next week and meet with the teacher again to get his opinion on the play, before moving forward in creating the poem. Now to find a cow costume....

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