Monday, November 28, 2011

Nov 22

I went and saw see how the run on sunday! The beginning of the play drove me nuts, the middle made me laugh, and the end brought everything together. It was a good way to spend a sunday afternoon, minus a baby that kept crying and cooeing and the mother wouldn't take it out of the theatre. It brought down my experience quite a bit to be honest. But hey, that will all be in my critique section shortly.
Sooo today,
Met the group at 11 20 to start going over the last 2 paragraphs and put the final touches on the poem. Picked up a cow costume this morning!!! Yay! I think its going to be great. Lines are memorized and everyone seems ready to rumble. We got into the theatre and had a few kinks to work out. There were a few lines and actions forgotten but by the end I think everyone was pretty confident in the final project. We were kicked out of the blackbox by 12 but stayed in the classroom and went over the play again and again. Practice,practice, practice! We actually did the play "Italian style?" which is basically doing everything really faced paced. I tried to find more on this and discovered that apparently tempo is the italian word for movement, fun fact. So in this case our tempo was very fast. This was a drill to get our brains moving more quickly and to think less about what were doing and just do it. So we tried doing the preformance quickly a few times and then slowed it back down to normal pace. Im not sure if this really helped but it was an interesting technique to try. I believe we are ready to preform :)

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