Monday, November 28, 2011

November 15th

Draaamaaa class. Not rehearsing today?.... except that we did :)
Today we went over different lighting schemes and how its going to be when we are on stage. Jeremey spent some time deligating time slots for the next weeks rehersal and we talked about expectations for our critique. The play is this weekend!!!!! You can read all about it in my crique section. I have done a little research on this play and Im curious to see how it will be live. It was an early day today so our group stayed behind and we spent a little time working further on our poem. We created most of the second part of the poem, probably the funnest part.. when everything starts to turn shaddy and we kill the cow. haha ohh boy. Now to memorize our lines for next week, finish creating the last two paragraphs and find a cow costume!

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