Sunday, September 18, 2011

My first class

Well setting up this blog has been interesting. I'm still trying to figure out how to add pages but I think I'll figure it out.
Day one was pretty cruisey. There was a kind of uncomfortable vibe and everyone was trying not to look like an idiot at the beginning. By the end of the class everyone was relaxed and having fun. We started off doing some stretches and a little physical activity. I think I pulled a muscle it was so intense ;). The class also did a little vocal work, trying to say a bunch of riddles. We took a break and moved things into the classroom to do a little "house keeping". The class sounds interesting and I was feeling a little excited to see how it will all unfold. From there it was games to get to know and become comfortable with everyone in the class. The goal was to associate names with actions, ie: starfish suzy, kicking kasey. I thought this was pretty fun and helped me learn and remember many names. After that we played captain on deck. I wasn't the greatest at this game but I wasn't the worst either. Overall the class was pretty fun and we got dismissed early. I guess today my biggest worry was, I cant have a coffee until 9 30 am! Haha I guess good ol' fashion activity will help wake me up.

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