Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Class 5 - Oct 11

Well the day began with the usual stretching, moving around like idiots and playing games. We played bang and this time I was prepared with my strategy I mentioned earlier. Followed by the BIG BOOTY game. haha I really liked this game, mostly when we lost and got to jump around yelling "ameeen, ammmmeeeen, amen, amen, ameeeen". I believe this game was for a vocal warm up.
Back to the room for housekeeping, doing a slide show on the art of the actor. The main actor tools are the voice, body, and mind. Which really makes sense but has many complexities.
We did a few new activities today. The first was following a classmate and trying to imitate their walk. I don't think I personally did the best job reenacting but it was fun to watch everyone else and notice the little differences that every person makes.
Activity number 2 involved a process known as "Deep thoughts". Which was essentially one student walking across a dark room onto a spot light and telling a blunt joke very slowly.
Ie: "Look at this daffodil as I go and rob you."
and "Sometimes its sad being locked in a dungeon, but when I look out the window and see it raining and the wind blowing, I think "wow, its nice to be inside".
I laughed my face off, there was some really good ones. And some that didn't really make sense. Overall pretty good, instead of leaving early we wanted to stay and finish the remaining few off.
Was a fun day :)

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