Tuesday, October 25, 2011

October 25

Whats the week again? Oh man, it was so hard to get out of bed today. I think everyone was in the same mind set seeing as so many people didn't come to class. However, I did show up because at the end of the day I know I'm gonna have some fun and when I'm up, I'm up. Its that mid semester rut that everyone wants to get over- mid-terms, papers and assignments. I think people forget that although drama is a class, it can be an escape to be active and silly. Its a break from the usual papers and midterms. Instead you get to explore your mind and work on creativity.
Today was a pretty easy going class. I think Jeremy could sense the vibes being put out around the class and catored to that. We spent some time in the classroom learning about different stage tools and some tips on how to write our upcoming critique. From there we moved to the drama room where we discussed our final project and went over a few possible poems. Our group is doing a lovely scene of the slaughter of cows.. should be fun! I think next week will be interesting, hopefully get to do some stage fighting. I'm crossing fingers that everyone brings high energy (myself included).
Suzy out

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