Monday, November 28, 2011

Nov 24th

This is the close of DRAMA 101. Its been a great semester, I learned a lot and had a great time being silly. Today was our final presentation. I suppose I've been blogging about it on here over the last couple weeks but I think I'll write the ending on the final presentation tab. In summary though- everyone did great and I was really happy with my group.

Thanks for an awesome semester Jeremey!!!

Nov 22

I went and saw see how the run on sunday! The beginning of the play drove me nuts, the middle made me laugh, and the end brought everything together. It was a good way to spend a sunday afternoon, minus a baby that kept crying and cooeing and the mother wouldn't take it out of the theatre. It brought down my experience quite a bit to be honest. But hey, that will all be in my critique section shortly.
Sooo today,
Met the group at 11 20 to start going over the last 2 paragraphs and put the final touches on the poem. Picked up a cow costume this morning!!! Yay! I think its going to be great. Lines are memorized and everyone seems ready to rumble. We got into the theatre and had a few kinks to work out. There were a few lines and actions forgotten but by the end I think everyone was pretty confident in the final project. We were kicked out of the blackbox by 12 but stayed in the classroom and went over the play again and again. Practice,practice, practice! We actually did the play "Italian style?" which is basically doing everything really faced paced. I tried to find more on this and discovered that apparently tempo is the italian word for movement, fun fact. So in this case our tempo was very fast. This was a drill to get our brains moving more quickly and to think less about what were doing and just do it. So we tried doing the preformance quickly a few times and then slowed it back down to normal pace. Im not sure if this really helped but it was an interesting technique to try. I believe we are ready to preform :)

November 15th

Draaamaaa class. Not rehearsing today?.... except that we did :)
Today we went over different lighting schemes and how its going to be when we are on stage. Jeremey spent some time deligating time slots for the next weeks rehersal and we talked about expectations for our critique. The play is this weekend!!!!! You can read all about it in my crique section. I have done a little research on this play and Im curious to see how it will be live. It was an early day today so our group stayed behind and we spent a little time working further on our poem. We created most of the second part of the poem, probably the funnest part.. when everything starts to turn shaddy and we kill the cow. haha ohh boy. Now to memorize our lines for next week, finish creating the last two paragraphs and find a cow costume!

November 8th

Okkkkay. Today was our rehersal kinda deal. We met between 10 and 10 30 to go over our final project. Augh! I was a couple minutes late. BUT ready to rumble. Fortunitly didn't miss out on anything. We talked a little about what we had in mind but we were all pretty open minded about what to do with the poem. I thought it would be neat to start the color scheme with a fun color like green or blue and mixing it into red after we slit the cows throat. However, because regardless of what happens during the play we all stay positive and unfased by killing the cow, I think changing the back color might be silly. We didn't talk much about the music. I had youtubed some music ideas but I was thinking more to go in the background as we did the whole poem. I didn't realize it was just for the introduction and fortunitly the one Jeremey provided complimented it well.
So this class we got over our first half of the poem. High energy! lots of movement! The levels constantly changing! This is looking pretty good to me. I think me, Lauren, Casey and Kasey are all pretty out going so the group should mesh well. We went through our lines and Jeremey told us what he had in mind. We tried different actions and people saying different lines and worked out kinks for the beginning bit. After the class finished our group went to the classroom and jotted down actions to remember and who was doing what. We talked about some ideas that we had and things that we could do to make it better. We decided to wait until next week and meet with the teacher again to get his opinion on the play, before moving forward in creating the poem. Now to find a cow costume....

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Nov 1st

We had a silly warm up, flopping our bodies all over the place. Getting excited. We didn't get to play any games BUT
Wooohooo we finally got to do stage fighting!!
- pulling hair - slapping - punching - falling.
Oh how fun it is to pretend hurt somebody. I like how the slap/punch worked. The first actor turns their back to the audience (victim) while the second actor (aggressor) comes in and does an over accentuated slap- 75% slower than usual. The first actor has their hand out so that they can make contact and the loud noise will pop. The noise the sound makes is called the knapp.
To fall, you needed to cross your back foot across your ankle and basically just slip down to the floor.
One thing that I found interesting about the hair pulling was that it was actually the one who was getting their hair pulled in charge. They (the victim) directed where the puller would go. Who knew?

Anyway, besides that...
We wrote our last quiz on theatre design and talked a bit about our projects for next class. Now the brainstorming begins for our final project. Shall be fun! It will be neat to create something with the rest of the group members, who knows what they all have in mind? Next week we get to do a bit of a rehearsal four our projects.

Note to self: ADD to other pages!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

October 25

Whats the week again? Oh man, it was so hard to get out of bed today. I think everyone was in the same mind set seeing as so many people didn't come to class. However, I did show up because at the end of the day I know I'm gonna have some fun and when I'm up, I'm up. Its that mid semester rut that everyone wants to get over- mid-terms, papers and assignments. I think people forget that although drama is a class, it can be an escape to be active and silly. Its a break from the usual papers and midterms. Instead you get to explore your mind and work on creativity.
Today was a pretty easy going class. I think Jeremy could sense the vibes being put out around the class and catored to that. We spent some time in the classroom learning about different stage tools and some tips on how to write our upcoming critique. From there we moved to the drama room where we discussed our final project and went over a few possible poems. Our group is doing a lovely scene of the slaughter of cows.. should be fun! I think next week will be interesting, hopefully get to do some stage fighting. I'm crossing fingers that everyone brings high energy (myself included).
Suzy out

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Week 6

The day began with the usual warm up. Some stretching, moving like idiots and playing games. I think everyone was a little tired today, so the atmosphere was a little blaaah. From there we wrote some tests and then moved into some fun, entertaining good ol' dancing. The lesson was choreographed movement through dance. I thought this was pretty funny, reminded me of the flash dances people do around the world. It would be so hard to choreograph such big groups of people!! From there we broke out into smaller groups and created our own dances. I thought some were pretty darn creative. The teacher added music and all the sudden our random movements, looked like creative dance pieces. I had a lot of fun creating it as well as watching the other groups do their pieces. Hopefully we get to do stage fighting next week!!!